Monday, April 8, 2013

      Of all the things there are to love about spring time, my favorite part is getting to spend my days down by the lake. To get there, one must travel a few miles from town, down an old forgotten road, and through a vast field of wildflowers about a mile wide. It's a special place to those who are lucky enough to know of it, but im happy that not many do.
     The day the tulips begin to bud is the day that my mother and I take our first walk to the lake of the season. Sometimes we stop and rest under a shade tree to admire the seasons bloom, and other times the anticipation is so great that we practially run the whole way there. To me this palce is more than just a lake, It's my childhood. It brings about happiness, love, and memories of times when the world beyond its shore did not exist. The first time I stumbled upon it was by complete accident. I was taking my dog for a walk when his collar came loose and he managed to maneuver his way out of it before I could catch him. I chased him for what seemed like hours until his path was cut off by the lake that I have come to know. Sometimes I think he knew where it was and just wanted to show me.
     Fate has a funny way of making things work out like that. One minute you're chasing your loose dog, and in the next, you've found yourself standing in the middle of what feels like a painting by Monet. But not even Monet could pait a picture to do this place justice, you'll just have to come see it for yourself.


  1. I loved this story because I can totally relate to it. You said so much in such a short story. Bravo Mollo, bravo.

  2. I like how the story had a deeper meaning and how you incorporated the idea of fate into it. I really liked this one!

  3. this story is simply beautiful. i really enjoyed your descriptions and how you ended it in such a meaningful way. Great story, Mollie.
